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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Miley did WHAT??


So I have not voiced an opinion about Miley Cyrus.  Until now.


Did you all watch the VMA's??  And Miley Cyrus' peformance? And poor Robin Thicke?  Of course you did.  It was all over Facebook.  And Twitter.  And the million Blogs.  And Entertainment news shows. 

Did I see it?  Of course.  It was hard to avoid.  But you know what?  I was actually looking forward to seeing what she was going to do.  Days before the VMA's, it was on a news show that she was quoted as saying something along the lines that she planned on her performance being bigger than Madonna and Britney.  So why was everyone so shocked?  Why does everyone think this was some big scandal?  They had rehearsals and she stated that it was going to be big. 

In 2 months, Miley is going to turn 21.  She's not a little 11 year old in Hannah Montana.  She grew up into a woman.  So I don't understand why people expect her to continue acting like Hannah Montana?  I asked my 12 year old daughter, who grew up watching Hannah Montana on TV and Movies, what her thought was on how Miley dressed and looked.  My daughter told me that other than ugly hair (LOL!) she didn't see anything really wrong with Miley.  She is growing up and having fun.  Ahhhh..the amazing attitude of a 12 year old. 

Why are people so judgemental on Stars?  There are a handful of TV/Movie stars that have really screwed up.  Miley isn't going crazy.  She hasn't shaved her head bald yet.  She isn't married and divorced.  She's never been arrested.  She hasn't been forced into rehab.  So please explain to me how a dance performance on an adult-targeted television show is going to send her straight to hell? 

To be 21 (almost) and in the spotlight has to be stressful.  But why force her to explain her action when she is just out having fun and growing up.  Keep having fun, Miley!

I am 34 and I listen to #MileyCyrus on my IPod.

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